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To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your battery, we recommend to avoid leaving the battery connected to the charger for extended periods. Ideally, recharge the battery after each use, such as at the day's end, and avoid letting it fully discharge before recharging. Never restart the jacket when the battery is empty to avoid complete drainage. When storing, disconnect the battery from the garment and fully recharge it beforehand. Additionally, every three to four months, recharge it again to maintain its capacity effectively. These practices will help preserve the battery's lifespan and ensure consistent performance.
All ewool batteries are TSA-friendly. Please remember that, like laptops and camera batteries, all ewool batteries are lithium-ion and must be carried in your carry-on luggage.
You can use the 18W USB-C Flat Battery to charge your phone.
Ewool batteries are specially designed to be compatible with other ewool products. If you own heating clothing from another brand, check with their seller to see if other batteries can be used with their clothing.
No. Not all ewool batteries work with all styles. However, the 22W battery works with our heated accessories including our Heated Glove Liners and Heated Sock Covers.
Check your local regulations and follow their guidelines, but usually, batteries can be disposed of at a local recycling center.
Yes. You can purchase our car charger adapter, so you can charge ewool batteries from your car.
Yes. You can always purchase a new charger kit for the apparel battery.
Batteries have a 2-hour charge time.
The display light will turn green on the charger.
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Designed in Canada

Tested in the Arctic, ewool provides best-in-class heating in the coldest conditions. Dependable and easy to use, our innovative heated clothing technology is made to keep you perfectly warm and well equipped to perform in the great outdoors.