À propos d’ewool®
Situés au Canada, réputé pour ses hivers glacials, nous concevons les systèmes chauffants portables les plus puissants, simples d’utilisation et fiables. Nous sommes déterminés à permettre aux aventuriers de rester au chaud et performants face au froid.
Prolonger votre plaisir au grand air
Par les performances inégalées de notre gamme de produits, leur simplicité d’utilisation et leur durabilité, ewool facilite la vie des gens épris de liberté de mouvement pour qu’ils dépassent leurs limites dans des activités extérieures enrichissantes. C’est le choix des gens qui veulent s’offrir les vêtements chauffants les plus performants à tous les aspects.
Le degré supérieur de performance
Nos systèmes sont si puissants que leur degré de chaleur commence là où la compétition s’arrête. L’innovation représente le socle intelligent sur lequel notre marque s’est bâtie et continue de se développer. En visant toujours l’excellence, avant de lancer un nouveau produit, on travaille fort pour s’assurer d’une seule chose : que ce soit le meilleur produit sur le marché … et de loin.
Conception canadienne
Ingénieuse entreprise canadienne, où le froid fait partie de la culture, ewool conçoit le degré supérieur des technologies pour vêtements chauffants pour permettre aux adeptes d’activités extérieures de prolonger leur plaisir au grand air et ce, quelques soit la température.
It will be 2-years since I got my my PRO+ Heated Vest with Dual Battery Kit and I still love it. The vest is very comfortable and well made. Attached picture was taken now. Quality is superb and I think it will last for many more years. I use the back pouch for the battery all the time, there are no restrictions on bending and can sit in a chair comfortably due the position and thinness of the battery. I live in Ontario and use the vest pretty much every day all winter long. The heat is very well distributed, vest heats up very quick, and I medium or low setting are pretty much always warm enough. The high setting is great for those time where you got cold and are try to warm back up. I definitely recommend!!
I help build the ice castle every year in saranac lake. Cutting the ice in below 0f temps with wind chills sometimes around -30 today my hands never got cold cause of these gloves. The quick connect charger makes it easy for them to change and never have to take battery out like other brands. Customer service is 5 stars as well. Thank you again for making an amazing heated glove.
I really love the vest. It warms up so much more quickly than my 'other brand' one and it fitted to go under my ski gear without looking like a muffin. Prompt customer service was another pleasant surprise!
I love my heated vest! I'm an avid snowmobiler and my vest keeps me warm and comfortable for the entire day. It's great for those cool days on my motorcycle, too. ewool is a great company to deal with. Any time I had a question or concern they were very quick to respond. I highly recommend them and their products.
Both my husband and I have eWool heated garments and it has been a game changer for us in the winter. The quality of the clothing and customer service is impeccable. I work in a ski station and I wear my heated vest and heated sock covers for several hours each day. No matter how cold it is outside I stay warm and comfortable. Simply put, my heated eWool clothing has become essential to my daily outdoor winter activities.
It will be 2-years since I got my my PRO+ Heated Vest with Dual Battery Kit and I still love it. The vest is very comfortable and well made. Attached picture was taken now. Quality is superb and I think it will last for many more years. I use the back pouch for the battery all the time, there are no restrictions on bending and can sit in a chair comfortably due the position and thinness of the battery. I live in Ontario and use the vest pretty much every day all winter long. The heat is very well distributed, vest heats up very quick, and I medium or low setting are pretty much always warm enough. The high setting is great for those time where you got cold and are try to warm back up. I definitely recommend!!
I help build the ice castle every year in saranac lake. Cutting the ice in below 0f temps with wind chills sometimes around -30 today my hands never got cold cause of these gloves. The quick connect charger makes it easy for them to change and never have to take battery out like other brands. Customer service is 5 stars as well. Thank you again for making an amazing heated glove.
I really love the vest. It warms up so much more quickly than my 'other brand' one and it fitted to go under my ski gear without looking like a muffin. Prompt customer service was another pleasant surprise!
I love my heated vest! I'm an avid snowmobiler and my vest keeps me warm and comfortable for the entire day. It's great for those cool days on my motorcycle, too. ewool is a great company to deal with. Any time I had a question or concern they were very quick to respond. I highly recommend them and their products.
Both my husband and I have eWool heated garments and it has been a game changer for us in the winter. The quality of the clothing and customer service is impeccable. I work in a ski station and I wear my heated vest and heated sock covers for several hours each day. No matter how cold it is outside I stay warm and comfortable. Simply put, my heated eWool clothing has become essential to my daily outdoor winter activities.
It will be 2-years since I got my my PRO+ Heated Vest with Dual Battery Kit and I still love it. The vest is very comfortable and well made. Attached picture was taken now. Quality is superb and I think it will last for many more years. I use the back pouch for the battery all the time, there are no restrictions on bending and can sit in a chair comfortably due the position and thinness of the battery. I live in Ontario and use the vest pretty much every day all winter long. The heat is very well distributed, vest heats up very quick, and I medium or low setting are pretty much always warm enough. The high setting is great for those time where you got cold and are try to warm back up. I definitely recommend!!
I help build the ice castle every year in saranac lake. Cutting the ice in below 0f temps with wind chills sometimes around -30 today my hands never got cold cause of these gloves. The quick connect charger makes it easy for them to change and never have to take battery out like other brands. Customer service is 5 stars as well. Thank you again for making an amazing heated glove.
I really love the vest. It warms up so much more quickly than my 'other brand' one and it fitted to go under my ski gear without looking like a muffin. Prompt customer service was another pleasant surprise!
I love my heated vest! I'm an avid snowmobiler and my vest keeps me warm and comfortable for the entire day. It's great for those cool days on my motorcycle, too. ewool is a great company to deal with. Any time I had a question or concern they were very quick to respond. I highly recommend them and their products.
Both my husband and I have eWool heated garments and it has been a game changer for us in the winter. The quality of the clothing and customer service is impeccable. I work in a ski station and I wear my heated vest and heated sock covers for several hours each day. No matter how cold it is outside I stay warm and comfortable. Simply put, my heated eWool clothing has become essential to my daily outdoor winter activities.